Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weigh in for October

Okay, so I caved to my internal pressure this morning and weighed myself.

It wasn’t as bad as it could have been. But it wasn’t as good as I had hoped it would be by now.

I’m back down to 218.4.

I know I’m not going to reach my final goal this year, but I would really REALLY like to be under 200 before New Year’s day.

That means I have to lose 18.5 pounds in 73 days. That’s less than 2 pounds per week. I know that I can do this if I buckle down and put my mind to it. I was doing great at the beginning of the year then slumped over the summer and having really been able to get my engine started as fall closed in on me.

I’m done pussy footing around.

Failure is no longer even an option.


  1. Ahh - Throw out that scale! Those are just numbers that don't mean much really - as long as you are making positive changes in your life and feeling better thats all that counts! Best of luck with your continued weight loss - you can do it! And 73 days is plenty of time to lost the 18 lbs - Good Luck!

  2. Hi I'm new to your blog! Good luck on your weight loss and goals! Like Kate said, there's plenty of time to lose that weight! I have a blog too if you'd like to come visit it!

